
What permits and licenses do I need to sell live plants from home #863785

Asked April 09, 2024, 9:17 AM EDT

What permits and licenses do I need to sell live plants from home? 

Ogle County Illinois

Expert Response

Hello Cassandra,

I have consulted a couple of my colleagues on this question, as it is a bit outside my area of expertise.  Christina Lueking is an Extension Horticulture Educator located in southern IL that has some experience with the flower business.  She has shared the following information.
The Illinois Department of Ag generally inspects larger facilities. If it is a small backyard 6x8 pop-up that they plan to sell on Facebook, then may not be inspected, but they should still have their nurseryman license (see link below).

If they are becoming a business, they must also apply for a business registration for tax purposes. They must pay sales tax for the State of Illinois if they sell retail and depending on which city they sell their product. For example, If I sell from my home in Woodlawn, the sales tax is 0.0625%, but if I sell in Mt. Vernon, it is 0.1025%. Each city has a different sales tax requirement.
  • They can apply for the nurseryman license if they plan to sell to the public and grow their plants.
  • If they plan to sell as a wholesaler, they need a copy of the certificate from the seller and a dealer license.
  • If they wholesale from the greenhouse, they need a Greenhouse/ Nursery certification.

I also contacted the Extension Horticulture Educator that covers your county, Bruce Black.  He was not aware of any local ordinances beyond what Christina shared regarding the sale of plants, but he suggested contacting Ogle Co. Health Department<personal data hidden>) to verify with their Environmental Health office that this is still the case.

I hope this helps.


Talon Becker
Illinois Extension - Commercial Ag
Talon Becker Replied April 12, 2024, 9:36 AM EDT
Amazing, thank you so much. I was very overwhelmed and this was so so helpful. 

On Fri, Apr 12, 2024, 8:37 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied April 13, 2024, 2:24 PM EDT

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