
Peach Tree - Gummosis at the base of my tree #863630

Asked April 07, 2024, 3:58 PM EDT

Hello, My peach tree has a "gelatinous" substance coming out from all around the base of the trunk, where it meets the dirt (gummosis?). Can you recommend a course of action? The tree was severely stressed by the freeze in late Dec '22 (it had no blossoms last year, and did not sprout leaves until mid-summer, as we were considering removing it because we presumed it had been killed by the freeze). I've attached two pictures in case that helps. Thanks, mark williams

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi, Mark:
Gummosis is usually a symptom of severe stress, such as a sudden hard freeze. It also can indicate a fungal infection.

If you would like the horticulture specialist to look at the tissue on your tree, please bring in a sample. It seems likely however, this tree may not survive given your experience last year and the fact this is around the base of the trunk, so the precise cause of the problem may not make a difference to the tree's survival. 

You can bring a sample, if you wish, to the Extension Office at the Boulder County Fairgrounds. This week the office is open from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. The following week and thereafter, the office is open from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Colorado Master Gardener
CSU Extension Boulder County
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 08, 2024, 2:45 PM EDT

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