
What's the most effective way to permanently sterilize a gravel driveway? #863496

Asked April 05, 2024, 7:11 PM EDT

What's the most effective way to permanently sterilize a gravel driveway?

Mesa County Colorado

Expert Response

Nothing will be permanent. You can find weeds growing in cracks in concrete or asphalt, for example.

The products sold in big box stores, hardware stores, etc. that use the words "extended control" will contain herbicides with the names imazapic or imazapyr. These herbicides last a LONG time in the soil (gravel), but that can also mean that trees or shrubs growing nearby (even as far away as 20-30 feet!) that WILL have roots growing under the driveway gravel can take up these herbicides and be damaged or killed.

A safer preemergent (applied to PREVENT weeds - not kill existing weeds) to use is prodiamine. Here is a link to a product you might use and one which is labeled for use (legal) on gravel. A note here: some prodiamine products can stain gravel slightly with a yellowish color.

Again, there is NO "permanent" weed control product for gravel areas. And use of soil sterilents (especially those containing imazapyr) can be dangerous to nearby growing trees.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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