
When to plant Astilbe and Black eyed susan #863034

Asked April 01, 2024, 3:05 PM EDT

Dear expert, I bought bags of bare root Astilbe and Black eyed Susan. Please see attached picture. I'm wondering when to plant them in the ground as there is still risk of frost. Or should I plant them indoor now and move them outside in May? Thanks very much!

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

Hello; Thanks for submitting your garden and landscaping questions to the University of Maryland Ask Extension Service.

Please see this UMd Extension webpage on working with bare root plants: Both astilbe and black-eyed Susans are hardy in our area and should be planted outside right away if they are dormant and in a bare root condition. To protect from possible frost, cover both types of plants with a loose mulch [straw or pine needles, not heavy wood mulch]. They will emerge with foliage when environmental conditions allow. 

Astilbes prefer a partial shade environment with morning sun - afternoon shade conditions while black-eyed Susans would prefer full sun conditions. Both plants do not seem particularly vulnerable to deer browsing or insect predation. Water them once they are planted and then at least once per week if rainfall is not forecast.  Good luck with your gardening efforts. Thanks; Christopher

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