
How to kill a sumac tree and its roots #862940

Asked March 31, 2024, 5:31 PM EDT

I have a tall sumac tree on my property with dozens of children.  If I drill holes and put in salt or some other environmentally considerate compound in the holes, will that kill the tree and its roots?

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Dena,

Thank you for your question. Our Jefferson County extension office had this same question about Staghorn Sumac and here is their reply,

"Sumac clones itself through a system of rhizomes and suckers. Different strategies would be used if a) your goal is to limit plants to a defined space, or b) your goal is to get rid of it completely. The answers below assume that you do not want to use any organic or artificial chemicals whatsoever.

If your goal is to limit the plant to a certain space:
  • Regularly (spring and fall perhaps) cut out the suckers that stray outside of their zone. You'll want to cut them out while they are small enough to be easy to cut. To do this, gently pull on the sucker and cut with a sharp pruner as close to the ground as you can. You might be able to pull it up from the soil a bit - this is good, as the more you can cut from the sucker, the better.
  • A thick layer of mulch below the area might make it easier to pull up the suckers going forward. It might also be helpful if you reserve a side that does not need to be cut out as aggressively, for example if the plant is in a corner and is allowed to grow back into the corner. This gives the plant a path of less resistance to grow, rather than the path that is continually being cut back.
If your goal is to remove the plant completely, you will need to mechanically remove as much of the plant and suckers as you can. Pull up on suckers and cut as described above, then dig down below the plant.

I'm including a link to a blog article written by someone at a State Natural Area in Wisconsin about eradicating sumac. The article was written in 2012 and is not our preferred .edu source but it has a great explanation as to how sumac grows: Note that the article mentions herbicides that might only be available commercially.

Good luck on your battle, and please let us know if you have further questions." - Jefferson County CSU Ext.

Thanks again,
CSU Master Gardeners

An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 01, 2024, 1:36 PM EDT

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