
What are local berries sprayed with? #862679

Asked March 27, 2024, 8:35 PM EDT

Hello! Every Spring & Summer, I really look forward to picking local strawberries and blueberries. Last year I noticed that the blueberries were slick with something sort of oily that looked like it had been sprayed on... and I saw a truck closeby that looked like it could have been the sprayer. And at another place, I saw strawberry plants that I had picked from one week, and the next week I drove by and saw all the plants were suddenly brown and dried up. I started wondering what all these plants might be sprayed with. Pesticides? herbicides? fungicides? I understand it's almost impossible to do organic growing all the time, unfortunately.. but I just want to know what I'm consuming. I could ask the people working there but sometimes they are young kids or it's possible the people wouldn't know (or they wouldn't tell the truth..?) Is there a standard practice that local growers use...? Thanks!

Wicomico County Maryland

Expert Response

Conventional fruit growers who apply synthetic pesticides to their crops typically practice Integrated Pest Management, which results in the least possible use of chemicals to prevent and manage pest problems. There are many plant diseases and insect pests of fruit crops in the mid-Atlantic so farmers apply fungicides and insecticides as needed, as well as herbicides to control weeds. There are required pre-harvest intervals, the time between spraying and harvesting, that growers follow to reduce pesticide exposure to workers and the people who eat the fruit.

Specific pest management practices vary from grower to grower but many use some of the same pesticides. You can ask the grower for information on their practices and the pesticides used. 

Even organic growers will need to use some type of control to limit disease and insects on their crops. If they are certified organic then they would need to be following the USDA organic rules/laws. You can ask those growers as well what they are using. 

Always rinse produce with water before preparation, cooking, and consumption.


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