
What is happening to my yard #861814

Asked March 18, 2024, 11:56 AM EDT

I have mounds that look like piles of cow droppings all over my yard. I live on an inland lake and I have never had this issue before. They mounds do not have holes in them like from skunks or moles normally. Can you tell me what is creating these mounds and what i should do to prevent them. or how to fix them even.

Cheboygan County Michigan

Expert Response

There are two types of moles active in Michigan: eastern moles and star-nosed moles. Their favorite foods are earthworms and insect larvae.  The eastern mole is the mole that creates tunnels just below the lawn surface all over the place. The star-nosed mole is the mole that forms the big piles or volcanoes of soil on the surface from soil in deeper tunnels. Moles do not hibernate; they just use deeper tunnels during the winter. This time of year, as the soil warms up they are mating, giving birth and seeking food for their young. They eat mostly earthworms and some grubs, rarely plant roots or bulbs (mice & squirrels). I believe you have a star nosed mole tunneling around underground in your yard. They leave a mound of dirt as a sign of their presence.  Star nosed moles tunnel deeper than eastern moles so trapping is not as effective for control. MSU recommends poison bait shaped like earthworms.
More info in the attached links:
Moles in the Lawn-MSU
Who's Digging in my Yard-MSU - eastern & star nosed moles
How to Control Moles-SG-MSU  - a bait recommendation
Diagnosing wildlife holes in yard-Iowa
Controlling Moles, Racoons & Skunks - MSU
Moles In Lawn-Purdue
I've Got Moles (video) MSU
Wear latex gloves when setting the trap or placing the bait to keep human scent off the trap or bait. Follow the instructions on the package. To win this battle you must be patient and persistent. Start now! MSU Extension does not endorse any retailers or brands.  Good luck!
Dick M. Replied March 19, 2024, 11:31 AM EDT

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