
Peaches and apples #861424

Asked March 14, 2024, 9:35 AM EDT

I am interested in preventative insect and disease treatments for my 2 peach trees and 2 apple trees at my house. Prefer organic but not necessarily. Publications are fine, or specific recommendations

Geauga County Ohio

Expert Response

Hello Mr. Wiley,

Thank you for your question about caring for your fruit trees. I will share a few helpful sites about how to prevent and manage harm from pests and disease organically.

If you would also like information about how to use "non-organic" chemicals, I can refer your question to an OSU Extension volunteer who has expertise in the use of insecticides on fruit trees.

These three sites have helpful information and also references to additional resources. Keep in mind that your local OSU Extension Office can also be of assistance. They can test your soil and help to identify or advise about the prevention of diseases and pests.

I hope your trees and the rest of your gardens do well.

Good spring to you!

Char Rae Replied March 16, 2024, 11:09 AM EDT

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