
Worms in my houseplants soil. Recently purchased plants. #861123

Asked March 11, 2024, 1:04 PM EDT

Could you identify this worm? This and more are in my houseplants soil.

Anoka County Minnesota

Expert Response

Dear Renae, 

It is difficult to tell exactly from the photo, but does the worm have many "legs"? When touching the worm, does it curl up in a small circle? If "yes" to these questions, I think your worm is actually a millipede. Here is a UMN Extension article with more photos and information about millipedes:

If there are many millipedes, I would recommend removing them to protect your plants' health. They may eat the roots of potted plants. You may wish to remove them to your compost bin or garden – they are very helpful at decomposing organic plant matter. 

Good luck!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 14, 2024, 1:22 PM EDT

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