
Emerald ash borer treatment #860874

Asked March 08, 2024, 10:24 AM EST

Need safe and effective emerald ash borer treatment that we as residents can apply to very large ash in backyard. Multiple years of professional treatments done getting way too expensive now!! Tree is healthy. Treated as a soil injection around trunk. What’s safe and most effective insecticide to use? Is there still a non-toxic choice that is effective? Thanks so much!!

Hamilton County Ohio

Expert Response

Did the arborist that treated your ash tree give you a time line on how long you would have to continue to apply insecticides? Was the tree already infected?  Some of the current insecticides an arborists now has available require an every 3 year application. This might be the best cost savings to you. 

I am sure you have weighed the cost of professional treatment vs the cost of tree removal. Unfortunately there are not many options for homeowners that are as effective as professionals have available to them. 

I have given you a few articles on the Emerald Ash borer from various extension offices below. I do not believe there are any  "organic" spray recommendations as the insect is under the bark and cannot be reached with normal applications of spray insecticides. 

Some of the products available for treatment are only accessible to licensed arborists. A homeowner cannot use at the same concentration or purchase the product. 

For additional treatment options, contact a local professional arborist or nursery for their advise. The first article below  has a chart of all the insecticides that can be used. 


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Good luck to you. 
Carol Greening Replied March 10, 2024, 5:04 PM EDT

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