
Trees Not Looking Good #860388

Asked March 03, 2024, 1:47 PM EST

Hi there! We bought a home in Hennepin County last year and there is a row of coniferous (spruce?) trees in our front yard that seem to be in rough shape. They have very few needles and we are noticing that some branches are starting to fall when it is windy. We are trying to figure out what to do here. Can you please help me assess if they are still alive / salvageable or need to be cut down? I do not know when they were planted.

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thanks for the question.

I can confirm that these are spruce though am uncertain as to the exact species. Nevertheless, they do not look healthy. Among other things they were planted too close to each so that now in their mature states, they are competing for space, light, and nutrients. The lower branches that are now bare won’t produce new needles. This means that you are looking at trees for which foliage will largely be limited to the tops. The bottom portions will continue to be rather unappealing. Other than competition among themselves, the needle drop may be due to disease, insect infestation, and/or just a sign of the trees approaching the ends of their lifespans. Their situations will not improve on their own. If you really want to get a good assessment of what is going on and what the future may hold for them, consider having a professional, licensed arborist make an onsite inspection. Often firms will do this on a no-charge basis. Please see the following for further guidance:

If you decide upon removing these trees, sooner is better than later due to the potential of their causing damage should they blow down.

Good Luck. Thanks for consulting us.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 03, 2024, 7:38 PM EST

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