
Alternative plants to boxwood bushes #860256

Asked March 01, 2024, 3:52 PM EST

Are there recommended alternatives for southeast Michigan? Thank you

Washtenaw County Michigan

Expert Response


Here is a list of alternatives to boxwoods for part-shade:

Yew, Holly, Inkberry, Bayberry.

If you have full sun, cultivars of Juniperus such as ‘Grey Owl’ or ‘Blue Star’; Chamaecyparis such as ‘Dwarf Hinoki’ or ‘Mops’;

and spruce such as Picea Abies ‘Elegans’, Picea Abies 'Little Gem' can be used.

You can use this Plant Finder to look,up various shrubs, here are some examples,

Match your choices to your soil and sunlight conditions. There are many cultivars that have small or medium mature sizes. In the article I would avoid plum yew shrub in South East Michigan, since we can sometimes have “polar events“ which may drop the temperature well below average.

We do recommend planting a variety of shrubs so that no new disease or insect is likely to wipe out your total planting. If you are open to planting some deciduous native shrubs, here is a list to consider:

I am including the “Tree Owner’s Manual” that shows how to plant and care for new trees/shrubs. The techniques of planting depth, watering, mulching and care apply to shrubs as well as trees:

Thank you for your question! Replied March 01, 2024, 5:10 PM EST

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