
Insect id #860228

Asked March 01, 2024, 12:53 PM EST

These insects are all over a shutter and portion of house; each one is about 1/2 long.

Frederick County Maryland

Expert Response

Those are Boxelder Bugs, which are harmless native bugs that require no control.
Here is our page about them:

Much like the brown marmorated stinkbug (which is not native), they overwinter in snug protected places like under bark or around our homes. On warm days they come out.
They are a minor nuisance and will hide again when it gets cold and disperse in the spring. They require no pesticides.
As always, it's recommended to seal up cracks around doors, windows, foundations and where wires/pipes come into the house  with caulk or gasket material to stop any insects from coming indoors that way.


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