
Are Rhododendrons safe for honeybees and the honey consumed by humans #860117

Asked February 28, 2024, 7:14 PM EST

I was asked at bee school if rhododendrons are poisons to honeybees. I didn’t know, so I have been looking up more info. I am finding sources that say the nectar is poisonous to honeybees and to the people who eat it. “Mad honey” I am particularly concerned because I have a big bush in my yard too. Thank you for your time in responding to this question.

Ottawa County Michigan

Expert Response

Thanks for reaching out to this question. Please note that I can't answer human health questions. Here is information on rhododendrons and mad honey: 

I have not heard reports of honey bee poisoning from foraging on rhododendrons in Michigan. Honey bees will forage on many plants that are in bloom, so we can expect the overall amount of nectar from rhododendrons to only be a small portion of the total nectar in the hive. It has been estimated that it takes about 2 million flower blossoms to make a pound of honey, and while the true number may vary, the point is that nectar from rhododendrons will likely be diluted by nectars from other plants that are also stored in the hive.

Happy beekeeping!

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