
ants #860065

Asked February 28, 2024, 10:07 AM EST

When should I put down outside ant killer. I live in the Bowie / Mitchellville area. Thanks, ------ Donald

Prince George's County Maryland

Expert Response


We actually don't recommend using pesticide for ants outside. Ants in the landscape are great garden predators, helping to suppress other pests.

Any type of perimeter spray insecticide is broad-spectrum (not ant-specific) and can potentially harm any insect/arthropod that encounters it, so beneficial spiders or other predatory insects could be killed.

You can seal gaps/cracks in exterior walls and repair any worn-out door/window weather-stripping if there is a concern over ants getting in the house. You can also use bait station traps indoors if needed if any wander into the house regularly. Searching for a borax/sugar water solution works well and is inexpensive way to deal with them inside. You can save small containers or jar lids to use a little of the solution in and leave in window corners or along their path on the floor if you notice some inside.


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