
Can you identify this bug? #859771

Asked February 24, 2024, 11:19 AM EST

I was sweeping my kids mess in the kitchen when I saw this crawling amongst the crumbs. I've seen one before but not many. I've just moved into this home a couple months ago. 

New London County Connecticut

Expert Response

Hi - I thought I answered this question but it was reassigned to me so maybe I did not send an answer. I can't identify the insect from the picture. You should bring the inset to the New London Extension Center in Norwich where a Master GArdener may be able to key it out. Or you can send it to the UConn Home & Garden Education Center. Call them at<personal data hidden> for instructions on how to send in an insect for ID.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied February 29, 2024, 7:47 PM EST

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