Shrubs damaged by 2024 ice storm - Ask Extension
I’m wondering if you will be giving us guidance on how to rejuvenate the small leaf shrubs, like azaleas, lonicera, sarcacocca pieris etc. that go h...
Shrubs damaged by 2024 ice storm #859732
Asked February 23, 2024, 3:40 PM EST
I’m wondering if you will be giving us guidance on how to rejuvenate the small leaf shrubs, like azaleas, lonicera, sarcacocca pieris etc. that go hit so hard by this last storm. Hebes seem to be toast. Eophorbia wonfenni, can I just cut to the ground? When should we try pruning. Any added fertilizer that might help. Parts of my garden look pretty sad.
Multnomah County Oregon
Expert Response
Thank you for your questions, Sandra. First, as to the woody shrubs, just be patient to see how much of their viability is retained, and spring growth begins. If it is obvious that plant tissue is dead, it can be removed. Ditto any dangerous limbs, etc. But the perennials are remarkably resilient. Pruning now may expose them to further cold damage, until winter has passed.
The Euphorbia Wulfinii can be pruned to the ground.
There are several varieties of Hebes, so whether they are goners depends:
When to fertilize and how much depends on the plant, but it's just wasted until the plant actually can use it--when it has enough foliage to photosynthesize.
I hope this helps. And don't lose hope!
The Euphorbia Wulfinii can be pruned to the ground.
There are several varieties of Hebes, so whether they are goners depends:
When to fertilize and how much depends on the plant, but it's just wasted until the plant actually can use it--when it has enough foliage to photosynthesize.
I hope this helps. And don't lose hope!
Thank you. I appreciate your help and will share with my fellow Gardner friends and family. Sent from my iPad > On Feb 23, 2024, at 4:34 PM, Ask Extension <ask> wrote: > > responses.</ask>