
Spring Fertilizer ? #859473

Asked February 20, 2024, 10:02 AM EST

Good Day, last year, I added a product called "MOO POO" around most of the shrubs, trees and perennials in my yard. My question is, do I need to fertilize this year? I don't really want to put compost down again because Id have to rake back the mulch. With that said, do you have any suggestions of what to apply (I have 2 seven foot Japanese maples, red twig dogwood, perennial grasses, hydrangea, butterfly bushes and a variety of perennials (lavender, mums, hosts, etc). Additionally, Ive got a section with acid loving plants such as azaela, rhododendron, inkberry and various evergreens. Id like to get the best product, but not go overboard in cost because my property is so large. Lastly, I do have a liquid hollytone that is 3 or 4 years old, is that still usable? thanks for your time and guidance!

St. Clair County Michigan

Expert Response


Michigan State University (MSU) Extension provides a valuable resource for homeowners seeking guidance on nutrition and fertilization of landscape trees and shrubs. As a general rule, landscape trees and shrubs in Michigan typically don’t require extensive fertilization to maintain good growth and color. However, occasionally, homeowners may notice that their trees and shrubs are not performing optimally due to poor nutrition.

The newly released factsheet titled “A Homeowner’s Guide to Nutrition and Fertilization of Landscape Trees and Shrubs” helps homeowners understand the role of soil nutrients in tree and shrub health. It also describes some of the most common nutrient problems associated with landscape plants in Michigan. This guide serves as an excellent companion to MSU Extension’s soil test kit self-mailer program, allowing homeowners to ensure optimal landscape plant performance without the risk of over-fertilization.

CHECK OUT - Landscape tree and shrub fertilization guide now available at this link:

CHECK OUT - A homeowner’s guide to nutrition and fertilization of landscape trees and shrubs Bert Cregg, Ph.D., Michigan State University, Departments of Horticulture and Forestry at this link:

For more information, you can explore the guide directly on the MSU Extension website at this link:

Remember, proper nutrition is essential for optimal plant growth and color, and understanding soil nutrients can help you maintain healthy and vibrant landscape trees and shrubs.

I hope this helps!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied February 20, 2024, 2:38 PM EST

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