
Raised bed recharging #859193

Asked February 15, 2024, 11:54 AM EST

I left my raised beds alone in the fall. What should I do now to improve the soil before planting?

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

If you have any debris from last season and you had any disease or insect issues, gather it up and put it in the trash.
Do you have any bagged or loose leaves from last fall?
If they are bagged, just roll them around to crunch them up some and put them in your bed. They are a great, free organic soil amendment. Loose leaves can be used but if they are thick ones that haven't degraded at all you can run over them with the mower to make them into smaller pieces and add them in. You can incorporate them or put them on top and plant right through them.
Otherwise, adding compost or Leaf Grow to the soil will help build organic matter, which slowly releases nutrients during the season. 

If you have not had your soil tested in the last few years now would be a good time to do that:
Tell the lab you choose what you plant to grow and they will make recommendations on how to improve your soil.
I'm assuming you are growing vegetables. If so, be sure to choose a test that includes lead testing.

Here is more information on home vegetable gardening: 
and fertilizers:


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