Alfalfa Hay v. Alfalfa Meal - Ask Extension
What are the advantages and disadvantages between alfalfa hay versus alfalfa meal as a vegetable garden soil amendment and mulch?
Alfalfa Hay v. Alfalfa Meal #858744
Asked February 08, 2024, 10:52 AM EST
What are the advantages and disadvantages between alfalfa hay versus alfalfa meal as a vegetable garden soil amendment and mulch?
Antrim County Michigan
Expert Response
Hi Katherine, Thanks for the question.
Although there is a lot of information on Alfalfa meal/pellets and alfalfa hay, there does not seem to be a lot of well researched information on their use as amendments. There are a lot of claims without sufficient support. Alfalfa meal is sold as a rather quick acting fertilizer. A soil test (Home | MSU Soil Test) is recommended to help determine what your soil may need. Surveying the various literature here is what was found:
Alfalfa Hay:
- It is rich in nitrogen, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients.
- It’s acts like most organic mulches returning its nutrients back to the soil like a slow-release fertilizer.
- It can help in water retention and improve soil structure.
- When used as mulch, it helps with weed control and moisture retention.
- If the hay dries out on the ground surface, the nitrogen may escape into the air and not be available to the crop.
- May be expensive compared to other organic mulches.
Alfalfa Meal
- Organic material in the soil increases and suppling nutrients to the roots of plants.
- Decomposition of organic matter is enhanced by the nitrogen content. Its high nitrogen content aids the decomposition of other organic matter.
- It contains the growth stimulant Triacontanol.
- It helps with water retention and soil tilth.
- It decomposes fast.
- It might not be as readily available or as cost-effective than alfalfa hay.
- More processed than alfalfa hay.
I hope this is helpful.