
Blemishes on beans and peas #858500

Asked February 05, 2024, 1:19 AM EST

Last summer many of my bean and pea pods developed lighter colored blemishes that appeared to have pin pricks in the center. See photos. Do you know what might be causing this? I'm thinking it's from some sort of insect.

Deschutes County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi,  I am not sure in looking at the photographs as I would need more information.  Were there any signs on the leaves or stem?  Plant disease is one possibility, such as a virus

It may also be what is known as Halo blight and your images caught the disease in the earlier stages?  I would need to see more progression but included the above website which is common problems on beans/peas. There is also an aphid that can transmit a virus: 

Diagnosing diseases are tough without a physical sample that can be tested. I see these same symptoms on ones purchased at the store.  I will see if one of our specialist can provide more information.  


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