
Should I remove the left hand portion of this tree? #857743

Asked January 23, 2024, 10:58 PM EST

Hello, I’m a Calvert County MG with a question: should I remove the left hand portion of this tree? The portion is leaning downhill. I think the tree is Prunus subhirtela. Thank you!

Calvert County Maryland

Expert Response


The consensus amongst us don't think it warrants removal, but you can/should consult an arborist if you want a more thorough assessment, since we can't see the entire tree well enough in the photos.

A pruning cut at that location is not likely to seal-over well compared to a branch junction, so it might introduce a risk of wood decay. It could potentially break in a storm because of the growth habit and gravity, but it doesn't seem like it would be a risk factor, we can't see the surroundings well enough though, to make that judgement. 

You can search for an arborist and ask for a consultation first before any potential tree work is done.


Thank you, much appreciated! I’ll leave it there. 
The Question Asker Replied January 25, 2024, 2:08 PM EST

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