
Maple tree question #857188

Asked January 09, 2024, 11:12 AM EST

We have a lovely maple tree on our property which had one of its upper main trunks die off. I removed the dead upper portion of the trunk a few years ago and the tree has remained healthy looking and has leafed out fully every year since. My concern is what appears to be bug holes approximately 8 feet up from the ground (see photos attached). They have been there prior to the removal of the dead upper trunk I but wanted to know if I should be concerned; and if there is anything I could do to ensure the tree remains healthy. Appreciate any assistance you can offer.

Wright County Minnesota

Expert Response

The holes in trunk in your photo appear to be woodpecker damage. They are likely seeking insects, which can be present due to decline of a tree. With the age and size of your tree I would recommend you contact a local tree care company and ask an arborist to come look at. They will be able to evaluate the full tree and make any needed recommendations. 
Amy J. Extension Master Gardener - HC Replied January 09, 2024, 9:59 PM EST

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