
Cedarcide and Apple Trees #856994

Asked January 04, 2024, 2:48 PM EST

Hello, We are looking for an environmentally friendly way to deter insect pests on the outside of our home. One solution we found is Cedarcide Granules (<personal data hidden>868). After speaking with the company, they are 100% ground cedar wood chips. There is a small orchard on our property with some apple trees present. I know that Cedar Trees are not good to have around your apple trees, but I didn't know if having these granules around our home would have any negative affect on our orchard. The closest tree would likely be about 80 feet from the granules. Thank you, Matt

Rice County Minnesota

Expert Response

Here is a good article from the U on Cedar Apple Rust (CAR).
Cedar-apple rust and related rust diseases | UMN Extension.
There are apple varieties that are resistant to the rust, so check your trees against the list in the article.

I looked on the Cedarcide Website and note the granules are from Texas Cedars, unfortunately Texas also has CAR.

If you don't have any of the CAR hosts (Cedars and junipers) in the area, the granules are probably safe to use.

Did the people at Cedarcide say of their product was free of fungal spores?

The safest approach is to use the spray rather than the granules and then use only when the vermin are present. 

I could not find any University sources that spoke to the efficacy of Cedar as an outdoor bug repellent. We are all familiar with "Cedar Closets" as a moth repellent, but ticks, mosquitos...? The problem with general repellents is that they may also repel beneficial insects. Spiders are good thing to have around!
Paul W. U of M Extension Master Gardener Dakota County Replied January 08, 2024, 3:41 PM EST

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