
Invasive plant? #856843

Asked January 01, 2024, 5:49 PM EST

Hello! My brother-in-law found this plant on his land in Middlebury and doesn’t know if it’s invasive or a good plant for pollinators.

Addison County Vermont

Expert Response

Dear Jacqueline:

Thank you for contacting the UVM Master Gardener Helpline with your question about a plant's identity and pictures. Usually, I enjoy the challenge of identifying plants, but I'm afraid that we will not be able to identify this plant from pictures alone. If you send a sample to the lab with some more of the plant (leaves, whole plant) and as much as you know about the plant (height, spread, shape of leaves, what the bloom looks like and the color), we may be able to figure it out. Use this form to send a sample:

Preferably, if the plant is a perennial and returns in the spring, you could send us pictures of the bloom and stem with leaves. If it is not perennial, it likely is not a problematic invasive plant. 



UVM Extension Master Gardener Program Volunteer Replied January 06, 2024, 6:38 PM EST

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