
Best Practices for Stressed Oak #856350

Asked December 13, 2023, 7:41 PM EST

We have an approx 100yo white oak in our backyard, being stressed by the construction of a garage nearby. The arborists from the 2 companies we had in for pruning estimates have recommended 2 different things to help with the stress, aside from fertilization. One has recommended use of an "Air Spade" to loosen the soil compacted by construction (does this damage fine roots?) and the other has recommended an application of paclobutrazol growth inhibitor to decrease foliage and new shoots in order to encourage root growth. Thoughts? Suggestions? I thought the experts from my alma mater ('84, '88) would know. Thanks for your help with this. The tree is in the R hand corned of the attached picture. I might also add that it is further stressed by the recent removal of a mature hickory on our neighbor's property (farther to the R off the picture) that shaded it on one side .

Delaware County Ohio

Expert Response
Thank you for contacting Ask Extension.  Above are two fact sheets for you to mull over and decide what your course of action will be.  Please let us know if you have further questions.  Carol B. MGV
An Ask Extension Expert Replied December 14, 2023, 3:43 PM EST

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