
HACCP and certifications for exporting processed fish to Chile #856349

Asked December 13, 2023, 7:30 PM EST

Hi there, we are a seafood processor in Idaho that has been shipping domestically for 50 years and now we are trying to export trout to a new customer in Chile. We have been having issues with where to begin in terms of health certificates, inspections for export, etc. We also handle catfish so we have HACCP plans and are inspected almost daily by USDA but they have not been able to help us in this regard. We have reached out to the US Department of Commerce but have not heard back. In our search, we learned that OSU's NIC may be able to help. Can you point us in the right direction on who to talk to for these certifications or can OSU do them themselves? Thank you

Washington County Oregon

Expert Response

You should have gotten a message from Christina DeWitt. I've copied it below in case it did not come through. Feel free to reach out to her with more questions.



Hi Krista,

One of our Sea Grant Extension specialist passed along a question you all sent about exporting fish to Chile.

My first question to you is does your buyer require you have the product inspected? A lot of our processors use the Seafood Inspection Program to meet exporter requirements.

I notice you indicated you reached out to US Dept of Commerce. The Seafood Inspection Program is part of the National Fisheries Services within the USDC.

This site should get you to their online certification information: Domestic and International Services for Seafood Trade | NOAA Fisheries

And this link on that site should get you to points of contacts: SISP Tutorial NON-Contract Customers (

Hope this helps,


Christina A. Mireles DeWitt (She/her/hers)

Director, Seafood Research & Education Center

Professor, Food Science & Technology

Phone<personal data hidden> ext 202


Email <personal data hidden>

2001 Marine Dr., Rm 253, Astoria, OR 97103

An Ask Extension Expert Replied December 19, 2023, 12:34 PM EST

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