
Stone fruit varieties in Eugene #856348

Asked December 13, 2023, 7:23 PM EST

Hello, I live in Eugene and am planning to plant a stone fruit tree in my back yard. We are at fairly low elevation, with wet soil during the winter. Are there any peach or nectarine varieties that are particularly hardy in wet conditions? Additionally, a dwarf tree might be appropriate for the space available. I'm planning to berm up the area before we plant, so the roots will start a bit higher than the surrounding soil. Thank you!

Lane County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi, Gabe,
Peaches and especially nectarines are challenging to grow with our wet winters and rainy, often cold, springs. Peach leaf curl is a particular problem. If you are already considering a dwarf tree, consider putting it under a hoop house or other overhead protection for the winter - this can greatly reduce the incidence of peach leaf curl, which is spread by water.
Soggy soil will be bad for any of these trees, so good drainage is essential. Your plan to plant on a berm is a good one.
As for which variety to choose, this publication, Selecting Peach and Nectarine Varieties for the Willamette Valley will help you decide which characteristics are most important to you. This one will help you deal with pests: 2023 Pest Management Guide for Peaches
Signe Danler, Online Home Horticulture Instructor Replied December 18, 2023, 11:50 AM EST

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