
Queen Bumble Bee on my house in December? #856347

Asked December 13, 2023, 5:13 PM EST

I have what appears to be a queen bumble bee on my house siding. Could this be due to habitat disruption? The railroad has been doing clearing along the tracks that run along the Willamette in north Portland. Or, is this emergence confusion due to the unseasonable weather? Or or, is this foraging common when weather permits in December? Thanks for any input and consideration…

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi Michael,
We have had some sunny warm afternoons which has enticed bumble bees and honey bees out of their nests. Your bumble bee might have been simply in a warm enough location that she ventured out. Or she could have been disturbed by nearby clearing. There is no way of telling.

I'm attaching a Xerces Society publication, "Conserving Bumble Bees" just in case you might be interested in knowing more about bumble bees and how one can enhance the landscape in our care for the bees.

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