
Bark removed from young trees #856134

Asked December 06, 2023, 12:04 PM EST

Hello, I was wondering if you could help me identify what is causing the bark to be removed from some trees we planted in our yard this spring and if you have any suggestions on how to prevent it happening to our other trees? So you think there is any chance the worst affected tree may survive? The bark appears to be removed all the way around which gives me some doubts. The trees I've seen affected so far include three types of dogwood and one cherry blossom which is a bit more mature. I've included some photos and have more if you would like them. Thank you!

Clackamas County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi Crystal- Thanks for your question and the pictures of your poor trees. I tend to agree with your diagnosis that is does not look good for the trees! The tree with the fungus growing out of it is already supporting decomposers. The other picture may show a tree that will survive if the bark is not girdled all the way around. I really think you might need to call an arborist to evaluate the state of each tree and see which ones can be saved.

Rabbits, voles, gophers and other rodents will eat the bark at the base of the trees, but this damage looks like it has been there awhile. I'll attach a site that will let you find an ISA certified arborist near you and I sure hope some of the trees can be saved!

Rhonda Frick-Wright Replied December 11, 2023, 8:52 PM EST

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