
Buttonbush leaf damage #854795

Asked November 06, 2023, 12:32 PM EST

My 'Sugar Shack' Buttonbush leaves are being devoured by some type of caterpillar, which in and of itself wouldn't concern me, but more recently the leaves all have this brown spotting and I am concerned that this may be harming the plant. The shrub was planted in 2021 I believe and is in clay soil in part sun. It has grown vigorously and has been healthy up until this point. FYI, the caterpillars are about the length of a quarter.

Prince George's County Maryland

Expert Response

It's hard to identify the caterpillar from this angle, but it's not causing the buttonbush any harm. This late in the season, leaf damage (both from insects and any infections) is not concerning and can be ignored. Many areas have already experienced at least one overnight frost, so deciduous plant foliage will be browning and shedding very soon. When the leaves fall, you can either let them stay as habitat or rake them up if you're worried about a disease re-infecting the plant next year. (Though in that event, leaf removal is not a foolproof method of prevention, and plant diseases can be highly weather-dependent.) No treatment is needed at this point (nor would it provide any benefit applied now), and we expect the plant will leaf-out normally and grow well next year as long as its roots remain healthy.

Thank you!
On Mon, Nov 6, 2023 at 12:59 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied November 06, 2023, 2:31 PM EST

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