Could you identify these bugs? - Ask Extension
We have had these beetles in the past and they normally are there for a short while and then gone.
This year they are over abundant and did not leave...
Could you identify these bugs? #854533
Asked November 01, 2023, 2:50 PM EDT
We have had these beetles in the past and they normally are there for a short while and then gone.
This year they are over abundant and did not leave with the warm weather. Can you please tell me what this insect is, how I should/can get rid of it? And if it is dangerous to my home or family?
Cheboygan County Michigan
Expert Response
Insects are quite difficult to identify from photographs, so I cannot offer an identification of your insect today. What I can tell you is that there is a common insect in Michigan that invades homes this time of year called the Box Elder Bug (Boisea trivittata). They are not harmful but sometimes they can invade home in large numbers. They can be removed by hand or with a vacuum cleaner. You can find more information and strategies for managing these kinds of nuisance pest in this article from MSU Extension: