Quaking Aspen Leaf Color #853867
Asked October 23, 2023, 11:12 PM EDT
Hennepin County Minnesota
Expert Response
Here is some of the information I have found: file:///C:/Users/owner/Downloads/aspen-leaf-spot.pdf
Treating Aspen Blight
Once you see the blemished, blackened leaf on an aspen, it's time to start a
treatment plan to salvage next year's growth. Remove the infected
leaves and reduce the spread of spores by:
Defoliating blackened leaves in the fall.
Pruning back infected branches in the fall.
Raking away and destroying fallen infected leaves to remove spores from the immediate area.
Keeping moisture to a minimum.
Reducing the spore spread is the first step, but if fungal diseases persist the next growing season, you may need to try a more aggressive tactic such as applying a fungicideat bud break. If you're treating an aspen for fungal disease and the weather is wet, repeat fungicide application every 10 to 14 days.