What leaves a foot print with 3 toes? - Ask Extension
What kind of animal leaves a footprint with 3 toes?
What leaves a foot print with 3 toes? #853831
Asked October 23, 2023, 4:24 PM EDT
What kind of animal leaves a footprint with 3 toes?
Hardin County Texas
Expert Response
Mr. Hogan,
It would be helpful to know where you saw this track to provide more context. There are three odd toe mammals which include, Horses(1 toe), Rhinoceroses (3 toes on front and back feet), and Tapirs(four toes on the front feet and three on the back.
Other animals with three toes are birds.
So depending on where this track was found would help in answering your question.
It would be helpful to know where you saw this track to provide more context. There are three odd toe mammals which include, Horses(1 toe), Rhinoceroses (3 toes on front and back feet), and Tapirs(four toes on the front feet and three on the back.
Other animals with three toes are birds.
So depending on where this track was found would help in answering your question.