
Pine tree infection? #853677

Asked October 21, 2023, 3:00 PM EDT

Hi, Is the browning of our pine needles an infection or old tree sections? Do we cut off the brown branches, or is there a treatment? Thank you,


Eagle County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Brad,

It is hard to tell from the pictures the cause of the browning but it does not look like a disease to me. It looks like browning either due to exposure/wind, not enough water or a disturbance to the roots. Leaf Scorch. The browning that is more on the inside of the branches (closer to the trunk) is likely normal needle drop. Fall Needle Drop. You can prune out the dead branches. Pruning Evergreens. There is a possibility that the browning could be caused by a needle cast or needle rust disease; I do not think that is what caused the browning but I cannot say with 100% certainty. CSU has a plant diagnostic lab in Denver that you could send a sample to if you would like to double check that there is not something more going on with the tree, here is the information for that if you are interested: CSU Plant Diagnostic Clinic

Denyse Schrenker  Replied October 24, 2023, 11:09 AM EDT

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