
White prunicola scale #853420

Asked October 18, 2023, 2:03 PM EDT

I’ve been told by my nursery that my Otto Lyuken Laurels have a huge infestation of White Prunicola Scale. I was also told that I needed a professional to spray them. However I also found out that there is a certain time to spray to be effective. I live in Asheville,NC. Have I missed the deadline to spray? If so, what is the least expensive way to get rid of them; professional spraying or having them dug up and replacing them?



Buncombe County North Carolina

Expert Response

Joan ~ thank you for your questions and pictures. You will need to contact the Agent in Buncombe County as your climate is very different from Durham County. I have added the agent’s contact information.  You can send her the pictures.

Alison Arnold

Extension Agent, Agriculture - Home Horticulture, Extension Master Gardeners

Buncombe County Center

<personal data hidden>

PHONE: <personal data hidden>

Good Luck.

Pana Jones, Program Assistant Replied October 19, 2023, 11:26 AM EDT

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