What variety of roses are these? - Ask Extension
Hi. I have two types growing and Im not sure of the name/variety, how to prune them, or to help them to bloom. The first picture is one that seems to ...
What variety of roses are these? #853337
Asked October 17, 2023, 1:17 PM EDT
Hi. I have two types growing and Im not sure of the name/variety, how to prune them, or to help them to bloom. The first picture is one that seems to get very very long but sometimes dark smaller sized red roses grow near the base of the plant, and they have a sweet/peppery type scent. Even the leaves have a kind of peppery scent? The other one is a yellow flower. It also gets fairly long stem growth (flower’s don’t bloom on the long stems). Flowers tend to grow in clusters on the smaller branches, and when I clip off the roses when they die (I clip them off just below the flower) it gets really “leggy”. For both plants I don’t know how to clip the stems to keep them flowering, or to keep the plants shaped nicely. I have seen information to read online, but its overwhelming, and I get confused on which advice to follow. Is there a book, or particular website that you find practical and helpful for a rookie rose grower your help is so greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for any advice️
Carver County Minnesota
Expert Response
I am unable to specifically identify your roses, even with photos and descriptions. It is likely that your red rose is a shrub (grandifloras) rose (hardy in zone 4) and the yellow is hybrid tea rose (must be tipped or mulched in the winter). Both require 5+ hours of sun to produce blooms. In addition the soil must have nutrients to support growth and blooms. Roses take a lot of nutrients and fertilizer, from May through the growing season.
The one resource to give you basic information to support growing roses is the first link I have placed below. It details categories of roses, care needs - including pruning, feeding, winterizing and managing diseases. I did place two additional links that follow suit with the initial resource. I hope this is helpful.
The one resource to give you basic information to support growing roses is the first link I have placed below. It details categories of roses, care needs - including pruning, feeding, winterizing and managing diseases. I did place two additional links that follow suit with the initial resource. I hope this is helpful.