Mushrooms - Ask Extension
We saw these mushrooms that we have never seen.
Are they edible or poisonous?
Do they have a name?
Mushrooms #852772
Asked October 10, 2023, 1:34 PM EDT
We saw these mushrooms that we have never seen.
Are they edible or poisonous?
Do they have a name?
Brazoria County Texas
Expert Response
Dear Mr. Wenk,
Your question was randomly assigned to me. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you if the mushroom you have is edible or not. Nor the common name of this fungi.
As one Mycologist stated, "All mushrooms are edible once." To my knowledge there are no experts I know of within our agency. If there were I would pass your inquiry to them to answer.
I am providing a link to a website titled "Mushrooms of East and Central Texas" I am Not endorsing the content of this website nor the content provider. I am providing it strictly for informational purposes only.
List of Texas mushrooms with photos
You may also consider posting your images to iNaturalist where a Mycologist can respond if it is edible and provide the common name.
Your question was randomly assigned to me. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you if the mushroom you have is edible or not. Nor the common name of this fungi.
As one Mycologist stated, "All mushrooms are edible once." To my knowledge there are no experts I know of within our agency. If there were I would pass your inquiry to them to answer.
I am providing a link to a website titled "Mushrooms of East and Central Texas" I am Not endorsing the content of this website nor the content provider. I am providing it strictly for informational purposes only.
List of Texas mushrooms with photos
You may also consider posting your images to iNaturalist where a Mycologist can respond if it is edible and provide the common name.