
My Forest Pansy Redbud leaves are curling. #852326

Asked October 05, 2023, 7:36 PM EDT

My Forest Pansy redbud tree has curling leaves. The Eastern redbuds are doing well. The forest pansy redbud is about 12 feet tall and has been in my yard without problem for 7 years. There are no mites or other insects that I can see and no mold. The bark is intact and it seems to have the correct amount of water. It has done well all summer andjust started to look very bad. Thank you so much.

Wayne County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Michele,

I suspect that, unless you have been watering it deeply the past couple weeks, that your tree is suffering a bit from lack of water. We've had very little rain the past few weeks. If you are not directly watering, it probably got a little dry. 

At the same time, it's the end of the growing season. Trees are getting ready to shed their leaves. The 'Forest Pansy'  leaves may change earlier or in a different pattern than the straight species. 

Other things to consider is if something more recently might have negatively impacted the tree. For example, root compaction from people walking under the canopy, vehicles parking in the root zone, or landscape or building materials piled near the roots. Maybe it was hit by a lawn mower or a string trimmer on the trunk. Maybe too much herbicide was applied to the grass. 

My first instinct is lack of water. Even if the other trees are not exhibiting stress, this tree is in a different location and may not have the same quality of roots. Or maybe it's getting too much water? Oftentimes, too much water symptoms are similar to too little water. 

I'm sorry that I can't give you a straightforward answer! From what I see, I don't think your tree is going to die. I'm guessing that it will come back beautifully next spring. 

Lindsey K. Kerr, MS, MHP (she, her, hers)
Consumer Horticulture Educator
Michigan State University Extension

Lindsey K. Kerr, MS, MHP (she, her, hers) Replied October 06, 2023, 12:25 PM EDT

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