
What to plant now (late Sept) on shady Raleigh yard #851388

Asked September 27, 2023, 11:34 AM EDT

Hi Extension folks, Our yard has tree cover (pecan, magnolia, poplar, maple) with a bit of sun mid-day to afternoon. It's a bit muddy at the moment and I'd like to establish some ground cover, especially pollinator (hummingbird) friendly stuff. A bit of Monkey grass and violets are present in patches. TIA!

Wake County North Carolina

Expert Response

Now is the perfect time to plant just about anything.  I have put a link below to the Plant Toolbox which is the ideal resource for all your planting needs.  i went to Find a Plant and then on the far right where it says More, I selected Partial shade under Light, I selected Hummingbirds under Attracts and selected ground cover under Plant type, and that gave me 42 choices that are just for hummingbirds.  Some of those are annuals and some perennials.  You can also search for evergreen plants that will keep the area nicer in winter and so on with any kind of search you want.  In my own yard I have no grass, but have a lot of hellebores and columbine and ajuga (which spreads quickly). Ferns do well in shade.  Most of my “yard” is moss which I don’t have to water, fertilize or mow.  Just keep the leaves off and it does great and spreads on it’s own.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 27, 2023, 12:31 PM EDT

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