
Weeping Cherry Tree oozing sap #851289

Asked September 26, 2023, 12:40 PM EDT

We have a white flowering weeping cherry that I've recently noticed is oozing clear sap (no sign of sawdust) from at least three places about 4' up the trunk. Two sites are along "seams" where the tree's bark is splitting like stretch marks. (One split is the entire height of the trunk.) The other site shows signs that small branches have been clipped from the area close to the top of the trunk/standard. I've read this sapping may be due to cankers and that the tree may heal on its own, OR the cankers may need to be aggressively CUT out. The tree was installed by a previous owner and is likely about 15 years old. It's about 12'-15' tall and wide with a 5.5' trunk/standard. It seems otherwise healthy. We've watered it deeply on a few occasions in the past few weeks to make up for lack of rain. The response of the leaves seem to indicate the water was appreciated. What do you would recommend: Shall we wait and see or dig in? Thank you for your time.

Clinton County Ohio

Expert Response

Hello Terri,

Thank you for your question. It sounds as if you have already done some research into this issue. My reading indicates that this is not an uncommon occurrence among cherry trees. The prognosis, like the cause, can vary, but there are some steps you can take to potentially remedy the problem and save the tree. The two sites below are particularly helpful.

You might consider seeking the advice of an arborist by contacting either your local Extension Office or ODNR (or both).

I hope the problem turns out to be minor and your tree continues to thrive.

Good wishes, 

Char Rae Replied September 27, 2023, 7:20 AM EDT
Thank you, Char Rae, for addressing my concern. I've read the articles and their links. I'll look for an arborist and purchase some copper fungicide in preparation. 

I, too, hope the tree can be saved. It's pretty and a nice home to birds. 

Thanks again,

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Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 7:20:10 AM
To: Terri Borden <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Weeping Cherry Tree oozing sap (#0121215)
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The Question Asker Replied November 02, 2023, 1:18 PM EDT

Thanks for writing back. I hope the tree will be around for a long time to nurture the wildlife and you. (-:

Char Rae Replied November 03, 2023, 6:07 AM EDT

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