Chapel Hill Lantana - Ask Extension
I saw a couple of the Chapel Hill Lantanas that were growing as small trees when I visited the arboretum a couple of weeks ago. I always read that la...
Chapel Hill Lantana #851173
Asked September 25, 2023, 1:26 PM EDT
I saw a couple of the Chapel Hill Lantanas that were growing as small trees when I visited the arboretum a couple of weeks ago. I always read that lantanas are not hardy in zones this far north. Are these dug up and then re-planted each year, or will they survive a winter this far north?
Lincoln County Minnesota
Expert Response
Thanks for your question. Unfortunately, lantana cannot be grown as perennials in Zone 4. Even the Chapel Hill lantana, which is advertised as "exceptionally cold tolerant," is only hardy to zone 7.
Because the plant in your picture is so large, and has had time to be trained as a topiary, I think you're probably right about the Arboretum digging the plant out to overwinter in a greenhouse.