
Spurge #851107

Asked September 24, 2023, 9:18 PM EDT

I have a garden that has been overrun with spurge. How can I get rid of it?  Should I use pesticide or black paper over my garden? 

Pitkin County Colorado

Expert Response

HI Jacque,

Spurge can be quite invasive, but thankfully it if fairly easy to remove by pulling. Each plant spreads on top of the ground, and at the center of the plant is where all of the stems attach to a thin taproot. Simply grab the plant at its center and pull the plant, being sure to remove the taproot along with the plant. Weeds pull easier when the soil is moist. Water the garden prior to pulling weeds to make it even easier. If this sounds like more bending than your body can take, you can uproot the plants with a shovel or hoe, and follow that up by raking and disposing of the weeds. 

Have a great day,


Chris Hilgert
CSU Horticulture Specialist

An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 28, 2023, 12:07 PM EDT

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