
Tree sucker question #851089

Asked September 24, 2023, 5:47 PM EDT

We were told the previous owner brought back a tree from Alaska and planted it in front yard. We had the tree removed last year and the stump grinded because it was a nuisance and three large spiky thorns. Now, the whole yard is covered in suckers and we can’t pull them fast enough. Any advice on how to get rid of it so our kids can play in yard and the neighbors stop complaining about the damage it is doing?

Franklin County Ohio

Expert Response

From what I can see I believe this is an Acacia tree - there are many varieties.  If you still had the stump I would say use herbicide on the stump.  The one image you submitted has the root showing.  You can cut that root and treat both ends with an herbicide to try to get it to penetrate the system.
Otherwise you cut off the sprouts and treat that cut stem.  Use a glyphosate or triclopyr formulation that lists cut stump as an application option.  One example would be Ortho's Groundclear poison ivy formulation that has a cut stump recommendation on the label.  There are other options out there so read the label.  You want the active ingredient chemical to be either glyphosate or triclopyr.  Cut and immediately treat that fresh cut.  You can mow them off repeatedly to try to get rid of them but it means you need to be diligent with the mowing off.  We are too late in the season to really have an impact by treating the foliage.  A month ago that might have worked but we are too far into fall to have this be very successful.
Kathy Smith Replied September 25, 2023, 10:57 PM EDT

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