
Trees dying #850711

Asked September 20, 2023, 9:44 PM EDT

We just bought a house with a nice yard. However, one of the trees is dead and a few others are losing a large quantity of leaves. Whole areas of those trees seem dead. We were informed that we should take some pieces of these trees to be tested for insect infestation. We live in Grand Junction. Can you please let us know where we should take these samples. Are there any instructions on how to collect them? Thank you.

Mesa County Colorado

Expert Response

You are welcome to bring a sample to the Mesa County office, but I am thinking that the issue is related to water and winter desiccation. 

These look like Alberta spruces and they require a moderate amount of water, as well as water in the winter. They even do best with a little protection from winter winds. If you do bring in a sample, please note these guidelines

-  The sample should show transition from healthy to affected foliage. We generally cannot provide diagnosis with only browned/dead plant parts.

-  A fresh sample (not dried) is usually required. Bring it in the day you collect it.

We are located at 2775 US 50 Grand Junction (within the Mesa County Fairgrounds). We are open 8am-5pm.

In the meantime, please see this factsheet for additional information:

Evergreen Shrubs

An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 22, 2023, 4:22 PM EDT

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