
Verticillium wilt on ash tree? #849867

Asked September 14, 2023, 9:22 AM EDT

Is there a way to either confirm or rule out verticillium wilt on an ash tree? Upper branches have leaf curl and browning - almost like firelight. I don't have a good way to get a picture-the affected branches are in the upper canopy.

Jefferson County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi, Tracey: Thanks for contacting the Jefferson county extension plant clinic.
Verticillium wilt is difficult to diagnose, because it is caused by a soil borne fungus that affects the vascular system - it enters through roots or damaged areas of the trunk near the soil line. This is not common in Colorado and affects trees under stress, such as due to inadequate water or other environmental conditions. 
Positive identificaiton of this disease requires examination of affected woody tissue, such as branches showing wilt symptoms.

The Jefferson county plant clinic does not test for this fungus. We recommend that you take 1 to 2 ft samples of branches showing the wilt symptoms to the CSU Plant Diagnostics Lab at the SPUR campus (at the stock show complex): 4817 National Western Dr. Denver, CO 80216. More information about the CSU plant lab and its fees is on the website: and you may reach them directly at <personal data hidden> or by phone at <personal data hidden> for any follow up questions.Pat B
Jefferson County Extension of Colorado State University Replied September 18, 2023, 3:24 PM EDT

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