
Please diagnose #849321

Asked September 10, 2023, 2:23 PM EDT

I planted this honey berry plant this spring and I saw few leaves (back then) that have dark spots on them. Now, the whole plant has the dark spots. What is it? What can I do for it?

Dakota County Minnesota

Expert Response

Good Morning Anna, 

Thank you for contacting the U of M Extension Service. 

Honeyberry (Haskaps: Lonicera caerulea) are generally pretty tough, but young plants getting established can be more vulnerable to pests and disease. It's impossible to diagnose with certainty from a picture but this would appear likely to be some kind of fungal infection. It's late in the season, so loss of leaves is not likely to have a serious impact on the plant; however, be sure to remove all leaves and debris from the area: do not compost them. Haskaps prefer a more neutral or slightly acidic soil (pH 5-7), so I would suggest a soil test to determine what the pH is and then amend as necessary. Next year make sure there is good air circulation and the site is in full sun.

I am attaching a document from the University of Saskatchewan about honeyberry diseases. 

The summer heat waves and drought has been hard on plants. Ensure it is getting adequate water. 

Good Luck!

Maureen Graber Replied September 11, 2023, 8:41 AM EDT

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