
Milkweed #849315

Asked September 10, 2023, 1:30 PM EDT

Hello I bought a milk weed plant ignorantly yesterday at a farmers market to attract Monarc butterflies. My yard backs up to woods and I was hoping to place the plant down in a woody area with sun. My plan is to cut off the pods every year before they open . Would this stop the spread? I did not know all there is to know until now. I just thought was a nice easy plant lol. Im not sure which type of milk weed I have. It may be native to my state. I also bought fennel and my thought is just to cut it to the ground every fall to stop the spread. Any recommendations? If these are 2 plants that I will not be able to control no matter what I do I will not plant them. Please advise, thank you

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response

Good evening Bridgette,

Thank you for your question! If there is no scientific name anywhere on the tag (for example, Asclepias syriaca, which is the scientific name for common milkweed), you can put the pot in the ground for the winter & when it blooms next summer, send us a picture so we can identify the variety for you.

If it is common milkweed the plant also sends out rhizomes. So, deadheading helps but the rhizomes will spread.

Better choices would be butterfly weed A. tuberose and swamp milkweed (if you have a moist site since that is what it needs), A. incarnata.

For the fennel, since we are in a cold weather climate, it won’t reseed much. You can control it by deadheading the flowers. I’ve included a link with more information.

Have a great evening,

Carrie M Replied September 14, 2023, 5:48 PM EDT

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