
Sick conifer in Alma, CO #848872

Asked September 06, 2023, 3:38 PM EDT


I have a tree on my property in Alma, CO, that is looking very unhappy and that is getting worse rapidly. I was hoping to get some help identifying the problem and possible treatments?

Thank you,

Laura Pyle

Park County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Laura,

Thanks for the photos and for the question. This spruce tree is showing tip dieback and needle drop on some branches. This can be due to a number of factors including drought stress, planting depth (planted too deep), and root injury (construction and soil compaction). Treatments for these issues include Irrigation, supplying enough water, proper planting depth (trunk flare is visible at base of tree), and avoid damaging roots and compacting soils near trees during construction. 

Western Spruce Budworm is a pest that will cause similar injury to spruce trees too. This publication has good information on budworm and managment:

From the photos, I can not say with any certainty which of these things is causing the problem for this tree. It could be one or a combination of these things. 

For a more confident diagnosis, i would like to know 

  1. How old is the tree? When was it planted?
  2. When did you first notice the damage?
  3. Did buds produce new growth (needles) this spring?
  4. How is the tree typically cared for?
  5. If possible, could you provide a photo of the base of the tree trunk including the soil line? 

Thank you,


Chris Hilgert
Colorado State University Horticulture Specialist

An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 11, 2023, 12:49 PM EDT
Thank you, Chris. I am attaching a photo of the base of the tree trunk. Answers to your other questions are below.

  • How old is the tree? When was it planted? I don't know how old it is. I don't think it was was on the lot when we purchased it.
  • When did you first notice the damage? Middle of this summer.
  • Did buds produce new growth (needles) this spring? Unfortunately, I didn't notice.
  • How is the tree typically cared for? We don't do anything.

  • On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 10:49 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
    The Question Asker Replied September 14, 2023, 4:01 PM EDT

    Thanks for the additional photo of the base of the tree. It appears that this tree was not planted too deep, so we can eliminate that from our list of potential problems. I'm still leaning towards western spruce budworm injury on your tree. The injury looks significant, but not severe or fatal. Consider management strategies mentioned in this publication:

    Thank you,


    An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 28, 2023, 12:15 PM EDT

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