
What kind of bee hornet? #847211

Asked August 24, 2023, 9:54 PM EDT

Just looking to know what kind of hornet or bee this is? They built an underground nest and my mom disturbed it and got stung 25 times minimum. Thinking May hire a pro to take care of the nest.

Dakota County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thanks for your question.

These are Eastern Yellow Jackets (Vespula maculifrons). They not to be trifled with. They are very protective of their nest. I am very sorry to hear about your mother’s experience. I hope that she did not experience too adverse of a response. You have two choices:

1). Hire a professional exterminator and have him/her get rid of the nest. However, be sure to get some assurance that the queen will be destroyed. In the absence of this, the workers will return to the nest this season.

2). Do nothing and steer clear of the nest for the next few weeks. With impending cold temperatures, these hornets will soon die. The queen may survive and fly off to a different place. This same site should not be used next year.

Here is some further information to you. Good Luck. - yellowjackets-and-baldfaced-hornets-1464410

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 27, 2023, 8:17 PM EDT

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